how long does it take for mushrooms to kick in

how long does it take for mushrooms to kick in

How Long Does It Take For Shrooms To Kick In?

how long does it take for mushrooms to kick in, Everyone interested in trying out magic mushrooms has some important questions up their sleeve. One of the most important often centers around how long it takes for shrooms to kick in.

Magic mushrooms, ‘shrooms, or psilocybin, is a potent psychedelic drug that people have been using for thousands of years for spiritual purposes. Ancient cultures have used these hallucinogenic mushrooms to “open up” to powerful, protective forces within their psyches.

In the 1950s, a Swiss chemist Albert Hofmann, known as the father of LSD, started dabbling with psilocybin. Hofmann began isolating the chemical from over 180 different species of mushrooms. He then began microdosing them to see their impact on mental treatment — which he was already doing with LSD.

Unfortunately, all work on psychedelics was banned in the 1970s. In fact, it wasn’t until recently that magic mushrooms started gaining popularity once again. They have an incredible effect on anxiety and depression, as well as PTSD.

While their legal status has always been murky, many U.S. states have begun decriminalizing them for medical purposes. On the federal level, though, psilocybin is still a Schedule I drug under the Controlled Substances Act. This means that it “has a high potential for abuse, no currently accepted medical use in treatment in the United States, and a lack of accepted safety for use under medical supervision.”

Exciting news: Oregon is legalizing Psilocybin therapy in early 2023. Click here to get on the waiting list for the first state-approved psilocybin therapy in the United States now!

Microdosing With Magic Mushrooms

Taking psilocybin obviously comes with risks. And while microdosing magic mushrooms in a small amount is gaining popularity, it’s important to stay safe when finding a clinic or a retreat for your psychedelic experience. As without any drug, it’s important to receive a controlled, supervised, and properly administered shrooms dosage.

Microdosing refers to taking very small quantities of psychedelic substances — which are not enough to get you high. However, it’s just enough to bring on positive side effects. Measuring a microdose is typically 1/10 of a regular psychedelic “trip” dose. Although these are hallucinogens, microdoses don’t often induce many, if any. This course from our partner Double Blind is helpful for finding the right dose, the right protocol, and to track your results and optimize your routine.

Those microdosing magic mushrooms regularly report positive side effects. These include lower stress levels, improvement in mental clarity, a feeling of sharpening the senses, and becoming more conscious. Some even claim they saw themselves from a bird’s eye perspective, getting a different insight into their own actions.

How Long Do Mushrooms Take To Kick In

Due to psilocybin’s ability to stimulate serotonin receptors, many seek their antidepressant and anti-anxiety effects. Furthermore, the claims from Silicon Valley sparks interest amongst a younger generation dealing with anxiety, stress or depression.

A study from the Netherlands shows how psilocybin may improve two forms of thinking that underlie creativity: Convergent and divergent. Convergent thinking is the ability to focus on disparate pieces of information, bringing them together to identify a single solution to a problem. On the contrary, divergent thinking requires mental flexibility that leads in various directions. Both remain ingredients of creativity.

Binding to serotonin receptors in the brain not only helps alleviate stress, but also sharpens focus. Consequentially, this increases and improves productivity.

WANT TO SAVE MONEY IN THE LONG RUN? Get Your Own Mushroom Grow Kit Here

How Long Do Magic Mushrooms Take To Grow 

Everyone taking magic mushrooms often wonders how long it takes for shrooms to kick in. What will someone “feel” after taking the psychedelic? The answer isn’t the same for everyone as many different factors can play a role. Before ingesting shrooms, there are a few things to keep in mind: Know your set (mindset) and the setting.

Generally, when eaten whole, it takes around 30 minutes for shrooms to kick in. When consuming as a tea, effects can come sooner — about 10 minutes. The trip usually lasts for about 4-6 hours. However, this depends on a few different factors, according to Chris Cohn, the CEO and Founder of Daytryp.

  1. The method in which you choose to digest: Teas, powdered, capsules, or whole.

Teas tend to take effect the quickest, on average between 15 to 45 minutes.
Powdered would be the next quickest as the mushrooms are already broken down and can be absorbed more rapidly.
Capsules typically contain powdered mushrooms so the only barrier to absorption is the gelatin capsule.
With whole mushrooms most likely taking the longest to kick in due to having to be fully digested.

  1. If you’ve eaten beforehand.

If you take mushrooms on a fasted stomach, they will certainly kick in quicker than if you’ve got food in your belly. Similarly, If you take mushrooms at the beginning of a meal, you’re more likely to feel them quicker than if you take them after your belly is already full, which can sometimes take upwards of 2 hours.

  1. The type of mushrooms.

There is a wide variety of psychedelic mushrooms available on the market today, all with varying strengths and even their own unique “signature” style of trip. If you take a more potent mushroom, you may feel the effects sooner than a variety that is lower in tryptamine.

  1. The individual.

The human body and all of its functionality, especially its propensity to digest and absorb psilocybin mushrooms, is unique to each individual. Until further studies are conducted on larger groups of people, it’s best to ensure that you’re comfortable, ready, and set in your setting when you decide to embark on a psychedelic journey.
Also, when trying a new psychedelic drug, it’s important to set your intention. This helps alleviate fears or anxiety about taking them.

Educate yourself on all things psilocybin. This includes learning about the whole procedure, including any potential side effects or risks.
Talk to a friend, family member, loved one, or a professional about your intentions on trying magic mushrooms.
Once your mindset is set and you’re ready to go through the experience, work on the setting.
Psychedelic effects have always had a connection to the social and cultural context in which they’ve been taken. This relates to the rituals and shamanic experiences in the setting. It’s why many of these rituals can take days to prepare, even today. Preparation is key, even without the shaman to guide you.

FROM OUR PARTNER: Get Your “How To Microdose” Course Here

How To Choose A Safe Setting For A Psilocybin Experience

Find a suitable space to have your psilocybin experience, one that will make you feel comfortable and safe. Think about the lighting, music, essential oils, and even furniture.

If choosing to have someone to assist you, let them know about your intentions from the experience. Also make sure they stay by your side throughout the entire process.

RELATED: What Are Liberty Caps – One Of The Most Potent Magic Mushrooms

If microdosing, the side effects should be quite minimal and causing no real hallucinations. If, on the other hand, taking the full dose, one could expect visual and auditory distortions, changes in personality and mood, nausea, and more.

Most commonly, psilocybin leaves your system around 24 hours after ingestion, and there’s no real way to speed it up. Still, most routine drug tests can’t detect ‘shrooms. So unless they’re specifically being looked for in your system, it’s difficult to know exactly how long they’ll stay for.

Long-lasting consequences are still a concern. However, some studies indicate long-term positive changes in personality, well-being, and spirituality. Knowing how long it takes for shrooms to kick in allows you to make the right decision for you.

RELATED: Is A Lemon Tek Mushroom Experience Really A Safer Alternative?